Coach teams with the whole system in mind 

At the heart of our journey is a deep dive into the concept of systemic thinking

The  systemic team journey is a pioneering approach of team development and alignment, grounded in principles of systemic thinking, design thinking and archetypal coaching




Our workshop is led by experienced facilitators who will guide your team trough 3 stages   designed to enhance the resilience and adaptability needed to achieve the team goals more efficiently and effectively, while generating better results for the organization as a whole


Stage 1

Empathy Mapping

Stage 2

Team Archetypes

Stage 3

Systemic Team Dynamics


The journey involves 3 stages that teams go through, helping them to approach their goals in a structured, holitic and inclusive way. 


Our workshop is led by experienced facilitators who will guide your team trough 3 stages designed to enhance the resilience and adaptability needed to achieve the team goals more efficiently and effectively, while generating better results for the organization as a whole. 


The journey is fully validated. It has been proven effective in applications across many industries, at all levels, with a wide variety of clients. 


Empathy Mapping
Visualize the needs of key stakeholders with generative design thinking

Team Archetypes Understand the underlying dynamics and patterns that influence team behaviour and performance

Systemic team dynamics Coach teams with the whole organizational system in mind

Empathy mapping involves creating a visual representation of the user’s experience. By putting themselves in the stakeholder´s shoes, teams can better understand their needs and develop strategies to better serve the needs of the organization and its clients.

This stage starts with an individual on-line self-awareness exercise with Archetypes that will guide each team member through an  inner journey comprising powerful images and insightful questions for reflection,  that challenge their assumptions, beliefs, and perspectives about teamwork. The group get´s a team profile and a report  that offers a holistic understanding of the team challenges and dynamics.

We use a revolutionary new way to experience the underlying patterns that may be hindering the  team success. Through a structured process that brings together systems thinking and mapping, we will  support the team in making positive changes. We facilitate the team in creating a map of the aspects involved in the team challenges, with the use of symbols, people  and systemic sentences.